22 May 2010

Purses vs purses

In Britain, this is a purse - it holds money and is small enough to fit in your hand:

This, to us Brits, is a handbag:

However, from my intense research (i.e. watching American TV programmes) I have learned that in the USA, this is a purse:

So, my American blog-pals, what do you call the thing that holds money?

I just wondered.

20 May 2010

How to fold a fitted sheet.

I've always battled with fitted sheets and so they just end up crumpled. But there is a simple technique for folding fitted sheets:

15 May 2010

Well hellooooo!

I've not posted in ages. Hopefully I will have time to speak forth my words of wisdom soon, but until then my dear friends you will have to contain your excitement.


This was a quick note to let you know I'm still around and OK. xx

Here's a thought provoking quote from Charles Spurgeon:

You are steaming across the deep sea of time into the main ocean of eternity: to what port are you steering?

07 May 2010


Just got a job! In the kitchen at the girls' school. :))))))))) [excessive cheesy grin]

Here endeth the post.

01 May 2010

They don't make adverts like they used to!

Angela's post about annoying adverts reminded me to post this video of an old Weetabix advert. I love it, they just don't make adverts like they used to. Funny ones are always the best!

and also this Hamlet Cigar advert of a man in a passport photo-booth (oh how I remember those horrid orange or blue curtains in the background):

But remember, smoking (as well as photo-booths) is BAD for your health!!