13 February 2011

Bits n' Bobs


I've not been to church this morning as Squidge was taken poorly last night with a tummy-bug. Poor little thing. She's quite chirpy this morning though and has eaten some breakfast, so she's recovered very well indeed.

I've just had a call from hubs' brother, all is well and baby is home and happy. Wonderful news.

Hubs' cousin who has been diagnosed with brain tumours is coming home from hospital, but we don't know much more.


I've come to the end of the Love Comes Softly series by Janette Oke. I really enjoyed reading these books again and have fair whizzed through them all.

Chatterbox and I are now reading 'The Valley of Adventure' by Enid Blyton, we do so love our Blyton adventure books. We finished 'Five Go Off in a Caravan' and enjoyed it thoroughly - although it dragged a bit at first.

Squidge has a number of books on the go from the library. One we really enjoyed was called 'Frog and the Stranger'.


Hubs was given a Christian journalling book. It's simply a notebook with inspirational Bible verses on each page. He's been using it to take notes during the sermons at church. We were very surprised when we noted that it had been made in China. Well, I suppose we shouldn't really have been that surprised! But really, China, which is a country that persecutes Christians, making money out of Christians? Chuh!

~Teh Kittehs~

If there is paper on the floor Boots will go to sit on it. This causes great consternation if she strolls in with muddy feet from outside and then proceeds to sit in the middle of a treasured drawing or even worse homework! Pesky cat.

See how she observes me with disdain.

Hover-cat, like David Blaine she can levitate. Ha, ha, actually I took a picture of her sitting on the floor next to me and just at that second she decided to jump up and I got this funny picture.

Here she is, showing more disdain by refusing to sit on my knee and keeping her back to me. She looks a bit dusty there doesn't she? Lol.


Anonymous said...

Cats do have the knack of showing how superior to us they are. She's lovely.
I can't wait until my grandaughter is old enough for the Adventure series, I loved those. All of Enid Blytons books, wonderful. Did you see the television drama last year about her? I didn't like it, I thought it showed her to be someone quite different to the person I'd previously read about.
Made in China, just talked along those lines today. Marks & Spencer our great British institution used to manufacture it's goods in this country, now they're all Made in Cambodia, Made in Bangladesh etc. these days.
I'll step down from this soap box now!
Jan in Scotland.

Sarah said...

Cats are definitely superior indeed! They certainly give off that attitude at least. :)

My Mum saw the Enid Blyton drama (the one with Helena Bonham Carter) and told me how awful she was portrayed. I didn't want to watch it then, I thought that it would take some of the pleasure away from reading her books.

Susan B said...

So glad to hear that Squidge is feeling better from her little bug. Also glad that your niece is home from the hospital. That is wonderful news! I'm praying for your husband's cousin.

Cats are so funny in how they treat people. I love the photos of Boots! My sister used to have a shirt that read, 'Dogs have owners, Cats have staff'...that is so true! At least cats think so. :) Our cat Draco loves to sleep on any papers found on the floor too!

Anonymous said...

glad to here that Squidge is feeling better. :)

You know my cat, Gretchen, treats me a bit that way, but the other one, Lexi. Lexi is a real sweetie. She even answers when we say her name. lol

Sarah said...

Susan that is such a true saying! :)

Cabcree - Boots is schizo, one minute she's my little kitten following me around, being affectionate, next minute she's crazy vicious attack-cat.