Saturday 12 February 2011


Hubs has just got back from visiting our little niece in hospital (a few hours drive away in Oxfordshire). She's doing fantastic, you wouldn't even know she'd been ill!!

She's being kept in until Monday.

Thank you so much for your prayers and praise God that she's so well.

Hugs and blessings!


The Bookworm said...

Great news :)

Jan in Scotland said...

Sorry to hear you've got illness in your family, you must be so relieved to hear your niece is doing well. It's such a worry when little ones are ill.

Anonymous said...

Praise the Lord!! Rejoicing with you. (o:

Elizabethd said...

So very glad to hear that. God is good!

Joyce's Ramblings said...

Prayers answered. It is hard when there is a sick child.
Praying for health for all of your family.

Susan B said...

So thankful to hear the good news!! :)

Aliene said...

I like your bits and bobs. Love the pictures of England. Thanks for stopping by my blog and commenting.
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Blessings sent your way.