23 December 2011

I am Lionel Ritchie's agent

I've been blogging on this particular blog for over a year.  Blogger has since added a stats function to it's features.

In my sidebar you will see my most popular posts.  I have reached 9,389 pageviews - wow, I am now a spiritual giant in the land of Christian blogs, I am a wise sage mother giving advice to thousands...or am I just Lionel Ritchie's agent?  You see of my 9389 pageviews, 2,177 are people searching for a picture of Lionel Ritchie.

It's what I wanted to achieve when I started this blog.

Makes me chuckle every time I view my stats. :)


Susan B said...

That's too funny!

I hope you enjoy a lovely Christmas with your family! :)

Melissa said...

Oh my goodness - too funny - kind of like googling Peter Furler with hair and finding a photo of Kira from my blog.

Yesterday in my post, I mentioned golden kholokloma - when I googled it for images after I posted it had all my blog pictures available. ;)

Sarah said...

It's amazing, even today 40 people have found my blog looking for lionel ritchie! :D

Joyce's Ramblings said...

Cyber Space has many little tricks it can do.

Anonymous said...

That is SO funny!!!