30 December 2011

New Year

It's almost a New Year, do I have any resolutions?

Yes I do, but they're pretty much the same as I have every year!  But I'll list them anyway...they're mostly about getting priorities in order!

  1. Always make time for prayer everyday.  I do usually manage to get some time alone in prayer every day, if I don't I feel grumpy and a bit disconnected.
  2. Continue reading through the Bible chronologically.  I began this year, but wanted a bit of time in the New Testament, so I want to get back to that.
  3. Read some really good books with the girls.  I love reading to my little girls, but often let time slip away in the evening so that we don't always get time before bed.
  4. Get into a good cleaning/organising routine at home, without giving into failure inducing perfectionism. I've joined a group thing to inspire me:
  5. I want to live the greatest commandments:

    The first of all the commandments is, Hear, O Israel; The Lord our God is one Lord: And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind, and with all thy strength: this is the first commandment. And the second is like, namely this, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. There is none other commandment greater than these. Mark 12: 29-31

    Master, which is the great commandment in the law? Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. 38This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets. Matthew 22:36-40

    Of course I am not going to perfectly live these commandments, but it's what I want to think about, and pray about. If Jesus said they were the most important and that all the law and prophets hang upon these scriptures then it certainly means I ought to spend a lot more time thinking and praying about them. What do they mean practically?  Does my life reflect this in any small way?
  6. To continue our date night every other Friday...that's me and hubby I mean.  It's been a lovely time together and I hope that we can always make that time.
  7. And, here's a biggie, to not feel guilty for resting! :)
Do you make New Year resolutions?  What sort of things are you thinking about for 2012?

Edit to note: I've reverted my previous post to draft, it was supposed to be a interesting 'fact' type post but it was obviously misunderstood.  I tried to rewrite it more clearly but was just getting ridiculously stressed about it.  So it's down for now.  I have no desire to write even slightly contentious posts, call me a wuss but that's not my bag dude! :)


Carol said...

These are good - I like the fact that you have a date night! I may try and introduce that with my lovely hubby. Happy 2012!

Anonymous said...

I don't do resolutions, but I like to evaluate things and make improvements. Happy New Year my friend!

Melissa said...

Mine are similar to yours and they aren't really resolutions (as you suggest yours aren't really either) but a re prioritization of long term goals.

Sarah said...

Steve - thanks for the offer, but no thanks, I have quite a few blogs in my Reader and blogs that I follow. Thanks for stopping by though.

Carol - date night is a great idea, especially for couples with busy lives who feel that they are almost 'ships that pass in the night'! It's nice to have space to just chat and be together.

Michele - well, these aren't specifically resolutions in the sense that 'if I don't do XYZ then I have failed' - I'm trying to avoid that mindset at the moment! Lol. It's a loose list of goals that I would like to aim for. Resolution is a wrong word to use I guess for spiritual things because they are a gift from God.

Melissa - yes, 'long term goals'. There by the grace of God go I!

Happy New Year to you all! xx