Monday 20 May 2013


So pleased. My granddad has decided sell his house and he has allowed me to keep some things! I was totally bowled over that he would allow me to keep all these things.

Most of all I love that these things are not only beautiful but are filled with memories. Things to be treasured.

Firstly, the paintings.  These are all by my nan.  Those who have read my blog for a while know that Nan passed away in November 2010.  She and my granddad loved to draw and paint.  I've been given a number of Nan's paintings.  Here they are.  Sorry the photos aren't that great, they were taken with my phone camera and they have flash-reflection off the glass.

I've had this one for a while, but thought I'd share :)

Also had for a while.

Isn't this just beautiful?

This is a small picture, I think it's quite clever.

Nice farmyard picture.  It wasn't in a frame, so I found a frame I think suits it nicely.

I've had this one for a while, Nan didn't like it.  I'm not sure why.  I love it of course.

I'm going to have to ask Granddad where she painted these pictures. This one is quite interesting.

This one is in cellophane.  I'll have to find a frame.

Squidge has chosen this one for her room.  It is already framed, so it already hangs on her wall.  She's so chuffed.

Chatterbox chose this one, it needs a frame though.

Pretty, pretty cups.  One is smaller than the other...not sure why, wonder if one is a coffee cup and one is a tea-cup?   Written on the saucer it says, "Fashioned from the favourite pattern of Lord Francis Levenson-Gower, the first Duke of Ellesmere; a patron of the arts and a Knight of the Garter".

A pretty china set.  I didn't have time to lay it out properly, but you get the idea. :)

Beautiful silver plated cutlery set.

Oil lamp. Love it! Oh and the pretty crocheted mat.
I also got a pretty vase, some pretty drinking glasses, and an amazing marble chess set that I am too scared to put out in case the cat or the children knock it over! LOL.

So, so happy.  Such good memories and such pretty things.

Have a great week.


Elizabethd said...

What beautiful things. Your grandmother was a very talented lady.

Anonymous said...

Oh what a blessing! Those are some beautiful paintings and things and what makes them even better is the memories that are tied to them. :)

Melissa said...

What a trove of treasures - you are indeed blessed with memories and things you love. Your grandmother was immensely talented.

Anonymous said...

how nice! what nice memories those are bringing you. :)

Sarah said...

So pleased! :) xx

And thank you for your kind words about my Nan's paintings, I'm so proud of her. Happy memories.

Angela said...

What great pictures- I love the one of the church building.
I hope you find splendid occasions to use the cutlery!
What lovely memories these treasures hold for you
blessings xx

Sarah said...

Angela I have loads more pictures to share! :)

We've already used the cutlery...but it was just us. :)

Blessings to you and yours too. x