Monday 13 January 2014

Happy Homemaker Monday

For more HHM visit Sandra's blog

As I look outside my [Mum's] window:::

(I'm at Mum and Dad's - if you read the post prior to this you'll understand why.)
It's a little brighter than it has been.  Not much to see out of Mum's back window where I'm sitting, her garden.  We did see Mr Blackbird a little earlier, he sometimes brings Mrs Blackbird.  They are such pretty birdies.

Right now I am:::

Typing this in my Mum's dining room.  A cup of coffee sits near by.  I've just finished some ironing and now it's time for a little blog surfing.

Thinking and pondering:::

About my Granddad who still needs prayer, and also the work being done on my bathroom.

On my bedside table:::

My Bibles. Effortless Change by Andrew Womack.  On my Kindle I have Praying God's Word: Breaking Free from Spiritual Strongholds by Beth Moore.

On my tv tonight:::

Not sure.  I've recently watched Death Comes to Pemberley, that was fantastic and also The Other Pompeii, which is about a town called Herculaneum that was also wiped out by the eruption of Mount Vesuvius.

Listening to:::

Mum and Dad talking about fireworks, which was sparked by my talking about Vesuvius, LOL. And the hum of the washing machine.

On the menu for this week:::

EASY PEASY!  I'm not making any foods from scratch this week I'm afraid.  Whilst the bathroom is being done I am not in the house much, so I will get back to my 'Journey into Enjoying Cooking' when it's all finished.

On my to do list:::

Today to catch up on some laundry.  To read through my notes from Bible College.  Take Squidge to gymnastics and Chatterbox to her church group.  Clean up after the workmen doing the bathroom at home.

Plans for this week:::

Bible College.  Catch up with an old friend from my previous church tomorrow. Keep on top of things whilst the bathroom is being done.

What I am sewing, crocheting, knitting or creating:::

Nothing at the moment.

My simple pleasure:::

Watching my cat sleep. There's something so relaxing about watching a cat sleep.

Lesson learned from the past week:::

Not to go off into flights of imagination about all the things that can go wrong in a certain situation. I say this to myself when I give in to anxious thinking: "Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ;" (2 Cor 10:5)  It brings great peace the more I say this to myself.

Looking around the house:::

I'm not at home right now.  But at home there is building equipment everywhere and DUST!

From the camera:::

Because I'm at Mum's it's difficult to share much.  But here's a photograph of the front cover of the Sunday Times.  It's terrible. How photoshopped is the woman portrayed?  Her waist is as thin as her head and her arms are like toothpicks!  And yet one of the subheadings is #fit not thin.  Total contradiction. This sort of thing makes me so cross.  Chatterbox tells me that girls in her class at school are taking slimming pills!  None of them are overweight.  The media creates this myth of a woman who is impossible.  I tell my girls often about the lies.

Ridiculous eh?

Prayer List:::

Granddad.  Please pray.  He's so frail and tired.  He has a chest drain in and hasn't eaten for days.  He's being drip fed, but please pray for a full and swift recovery; but, most of all, pray for his salvation.  He needs Jesus.  We all do.  Thank you.

Bible verse, Devotional:::

Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ; 2 Cor 10:5

Have a very happy Monday!


Monica said...

This is great! It is similar to the Daybook post that I participate in. Yes, From the Camera...ridiculous!

Enjoyed my visit here today!

Ruth A. Stiles @ The Stiles Family said...

Stopping by from Happy Homemaker Monday.I love watching cats sleep too! Beth Moore is an excellent author. Have a great day! I will be praying for your Granddad and that he finds Jesus

Sarah said...

HHM is fun. :) Thanks for stopping by! :)

Sarah said...

Thank you for your prayers. Cats are so relaxing, lol

Unknown said...

From the camera pic is ridiculous. I see your point and those kinds of things make me upset as well. It's distressing to see the image laid out for young girls to feel like they should follow. Diet pills are for some reason all the rage around here too. My young cousin has said many in her grade are also taking them. I frankly don't understand it.
Here's to hoping for a good week ahead for you! :)

Sarah said...

Some of the girls taking the diet pills were made sick and one fell asleep in a lesson! It is very distressing. The only way is to educate girls (and boys) about the lies that media tell.

Hope you have a good week too! :)

Conny said...

II Cor 10:5 is one of my favorite verses ... well, not favorite as such but one I return to often to remind myself to renew my mind with the RIGHT thinking!
Blessings on your week, your grandfather's health situation, and Bible College.

Sarah said...

Me too, I constantly have to remind myself. :)

Thank you for your kind words. xx

Melissa said...

When you said you had coffee at your elbow, I wanted to say don't spill it!! Slimming pills? Really? So sad. Take care love and remember I am praying for your granddad's salvation.