Saturday 5 July 2014

What's goin' down?

I've really been missing blogging. So, I'm hoping to get chance this week to blog a bit more.

So what've I been up to?

Helping mum look after Grandma - mum has been diagnosed with poly rheumatica myalgia, it's an inflammatory disorder.  She's on steroids, but hopefully should be off them in a year or two.  Keep mum in your prayers, she's been through so much health wise with her stroke and migraines and then this.

Keeping up with the Bible College summer programme.  We've done about Job and suffering, and Fear. Next week it's the Interior Christ - which should be interesting.

I gave a message at church a few Sundays ago.  That was great and I loved it - despite huge nerves!  I did about Life in Abundance.  I'll perhaps share my notes on here if anyone is interested :) People were so encouraging.

Our house has gone up for sale, we've only had one viewer though and he was a landlord who wanted an investment property and didn't want to offer anywhere near the asking price.  PLEASE pray!  We need near full asking price to afford to buy the house we want. I long for a house with nice neighbours with a nice garden and enough room for our family.  I don't even mind a house that needs work, we can make it pretty. But it's in God's hands, He knows best.

We've viewed a few houses, one that we loved and could afford has gone already, one that we LOVE but can't really afford needs a miracle LOL.  I covet your prayers.

Here are some pics of our house (if you're like me, nosying around houses is just the best).

Love my garden.  We've never had money for landscaping, so it's all just what we've done.

Boots tried to get in on every photo.  Had to put her outside LOL


Living Room

Living Room - it's lovely to overlook the garden, very private. The picture to the right of the window was by Squidge.

More living room - the pictures over the lamp are by my girls, the one to the right of the door was by my nan.

Kitchen - where the magic...erm fire...happens.

Diner end of kitchen - one day I'll have a dining room...without a tumble drier in it!! Haha

Birds eye view of our tiny bathroom - but isn't it pretty?

Our bedroom.

Chatterbox's bedroom

Squidge's bedroom
Well, that's the tour of our's a lovely little house, but it's time to move on.  Here's my wish list:  nice garden, not too overlooked, space to have people over for meals, near church/schools (I don't have the car during the day), nice neighbours, and if we are very blessed a place that I can study and space for the hubster to practice his music, and a utility room!

Hope you're having a soooooper weekend!


Anonymous said...

I hope you get what you want and need. :)

Sarah H said...

Thank you xxx

Elizabeth said...

I love your garden, Sarah.I do pray that you will sell soon and find the right place for you.

Sarah H said...

Thanks Elizabeth. x