23 December 2016

Boots is becoming a real square eyes

Honestly, if she sits any closer to the screen her eyes are going to turn square! haha

Watching bugs on the TV

Where's it going?

Now a programme about rescue dogs - why would they want to rescue dogs, thinks Boots ;)

Very creepy picture of a snake's eye!

20 December 2016

Surprise present

I've been proofreading someone's theology PhD thesis.  Their first language isn't English and so I've been tasked with making sure it makes sense to an English reader!  It's been hard work, the topic isn't one I am familiar with, but it's certainly been interesting.

Today a lovely present arrived in the post from Germany.  A box full of German goodies!

Will definitely help give me enough energy to carry on!

23 November 2016


We planted a tree for life with Grandma's ashes today.  It was an emotional (and slightly stressful - but that's another story) day.

It's a beautiful spot, near a reservoir.  There are lots of other 'trees for life' trees planted nearby.  So peaceful.

Just lovely to think that we have a beautiful tree to remember her by and that tree will be producing life-giving oxygen.

20 November 2016

Husband quiz

Saw this on Facebook so thought I'd test it out on G:

You have to ask your hubby these questions and write down exactly what he says.

What is something I say a lot? “I saw that!” (haha so far so true)
What makes me happy? Bibles (yeeees)
What makes me sad? Bibles (he could have said poorly people on 24 hours in A&E, or poorly animals, or world hunger...but nooooo)
How tall am I? 5ft 9 (nearly I'm 5ft 8)
What's my favourite thing to do? Bibles (he thinks he's funny)
What do I do when you're not around? Bibles (lol seriously????)
What makes you proud of me? I’m very determined, and when I’m teaching. (awww)
What is my favourite food? Jambalaya (mmmmmm feeeed meee)
What is my favourite restaurant? White House (not with Donald Trump haha...one near our house)
Where is my favourite place to visit? Cornwall
If I could go anywhere, where would it be? Israel
Do you think you could live without me? No (awwww)
How do I annoy you? Not putting the laptop away properly (it's all coming out now!)
What is my favourite movie? Olympus Has Fallen
Who is my celebrity crush? Simon LeBon (in 1984 maybe!!! lol)
You get a phone call that I am in trouble, who am I with? Liz (haha!)

31 October 2016

So funny

[Conversation with old man in the queue for the tills at Co-op]

OM: "What's all that make-up for? [referring to co-op staff who have fake blood on their faces]
Me: Ah, they're dressed up for Halloween.
OM: Well, I thought that was just for children!
Me: Apparently not.
OM: They don't sing any more you know.
Me: [confused] What?
OM: They don't sing any more, the children!
Me: [still confused but nodding head in agreement] Awwwww.
OM: [sadly] In my day, if I didn't sing, they'd hit me.
Me: [extra confused] Oh dear!
OM: It were better then you know. Things are so different now. [shakes head sadly]
Me: I know [nodding head wisely even though I have no idea what he's going on about]

hahahahahaha bless him

28 September 2016


I went to hospital today to have a camera up my nose and down my throat - yikes!  I've had a bad cough on and off for about a year.  I was so nervous my lovely friend Liz came with me.

It was fine in the end, a bit uncomfortable, but OK.

Anyway I have a small nodule near my voicebox which needs removing. Not looking forward to that!!

25 September 2016

A lovely break

We had a lovely few days meeting up with friends in a holiday cottage in Kirkby Stephen.

What a truly lovely place.

Here are some photos (not mine, but our friends pictures...my phone camera is not this good!)

22 September 2016

The greed to be loved

"The greed to be loved is a fearful thing. Some of those who say (and almost with pride) that they live only for love come, at last, to live in incessant resentment.” The Sermon and the Lunch, CS Lewis

12 September 2016

Deep and meaningful conversations with my children

So, the girls and I have just read through chapter 10 of 1 Corinthians, during which I expounded with great wisdom the meaning of the scriptures. Afterwards there was a ponderous silence, then L said thoughtfully, "Mummy? I have a question"

"Yes darling," I said, knowing deep in my spirit she had been moved in a momentous way.

"When we are in heaven, do you think we'll be able to make our own eyeballs fall out?"

Hahahahahaha, children, they certainly keep you grounded!!

18 August 2016

Life changing revelations!

So I knew B was about to read a chapter of Luke's Gospel, I'm upstairs doing some work while she does, and then she comes running.

"I've had a revelation! It's life changing!"

So I get internally excited that she's had some kind of spiritual epiphany.

"Yes! I've just discovered that your foot is the same length as your arm between your elbow and your wrist!!"

Haha, kids, they keep you on planet earth.

17 August 2016

Day out at a local historical mill

We had a day out at Helmshore Mills today. Brilliant place, free for kids and only £4 for adults. 

They're about to have their funding cut by the council and possibly close. So sad, it's part of our local heritage!

Those were the days...hahaha

Popping seeds

16 August 2016

Summer house

Today's job was to paint the summer house.

We all pitched in and it now looks lovely!



21 July 2016


Said goodbye to my little Grandma today, it was her funeral.

It's been a hard hard day. But sitting here remembering my little grandma I'm so grateful to God for her life. She may have been tiny and getting on a bit, lol, but she was a strong lady. She went through unbelievable hardships but never stopped wanting to care for others.

This was the scripture that got her through it all:

"Whither shall I go from thy spirit? or whither shall I flee from thy presence? If I ascend up into heaven, thou art there: if I make my bed in hell, behold, thou art there. If I take the wings of the morning, and dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea; Even there shall thy hand lead me, and thy right hand shall hold me." (Psalm 139:7-10)

11 July 2016


Today we lost my lovely little Grandma.

She passed away in her sleep.

I thank God for her life. What a blessing she was.

07 July 2016

01 July 2016


I've been decorating L's room.

I'm quite pleased with the paint effect, I was a little worried it would go wonky!

28 June 2016


I set fire to pasta today.

I forgot to put water on it!

Hahahahaha I am so ditzy sometimes.  Hubby was rather amused.

The house stinks of burnt pasta now. Yuk.

10 June 2016

Torrential rain and a flood...nearly

We've had some torrential rain today.  So much so that our church has had to cancel it's youth club tonight due to flooding.

Up at our house L and I worked hard to prevent the water from coming up too high (B and G weren't at home).

We were soaked but successful.

However, I managed to break my phone! I got soaked and my phone was in my back pocket! It didn't work for ages, it was all wet inside. Then managed to get it to work, but it keeps going into 'car mode'! So I've switched it off for a bit.  Hubby is not impressed haha, I have a habit of breaking mobile phones.

Getting far to near our back door!!

Sweeping water out of the gate!

08 June 2016

Photos are a bit rubbish due to the giant shiny window behind and shiny window on cabinet, but here's what I did this morning.

 I decided I'm fed up with glass cabinets in the kitchen (they have to be tidy all the time...I mean really! *chuh*)

 So, using some professional equipment (wrapping paper and L's sharpie) I have transformed the cabinet into somewhere we can hide all our stuff. Woo-hoo me! I love Scandinavian folk art, hence the designs.

28 May 2016

Look what my lovely grandma sent us

My lovely grandma (mum's mum) sent us this beautiful card (the granddad we lost was dad's dad).