29 September 2010


I don't think I will go over to Wordpress, it's a bit of a faff to start changing blogs again! (To say the least) Blogger has rather been annoying me recently but I don't think it's worth moving (unless it gets worse).

I've also managed to merge my two Blogger accounts. I'm not sure what to do with my old blog. I loved the title of my old blog and I much prefer using my own name rather than an anonymous 'nickname'. But of course I was rather spooked by someone working out where I lived from my photos - hence me moving here and going anonymous.

Anyway, don't worry I'm not about to move blogs again. I may reinstate my old blog, just perhaps anonymise it a bit so that old posts can be accessed but continue to blog here at Like sunshine in the Home (keeping the old blog on my profile). Whether I'll use my real name or a pseudonym is something I'll think about carefully.

Thanks for being patient.


At Home Together said...

I am frustrated with blogger, too. I really love your pictures of England--we hope to return one day, but it will be quite a while before we are able to. Hope you're having a good week. We are getting a little bit of fall weather. A tropical disturbance is bringing rain to my home state of Florida, and I think we may get some of that rain and wind here in NE Georgia before long.
Blessings, Janis

Sarah said...

We're suffering under almost constant drizzle right now. It's definitely feeling more autumnal around here. My eldest found a conker today.

Re: the pictures, the pictures in my sidebar are from flickr creative commons - if you scroll down you'll see the credits. If you enjoy looking at pictures some of the photographers have lots of lovely pictures of England.

My header picture is my own and was taken last autumn in the Lake District.


Anonymous said...

LOVE your new blog decor and your header is *lovely*. (o:

Susan B said...

Your header is gorgeous! I get frustrated with Blogger sometimes too, but I like it...because it is easy for me to work with. (I'm not very computer savvy.)

Enjoy the rest of your week! :)

Angela said...

Silly question - but how do you send your posts to blogger? I've always used Windows Live Writer and it has been trouble free for 2½ yrs.

Angela said...

Silly question - but how do you send your posts to blogger? I've always used Windows Live Writer and it has been trouble free for 2½ yrs.

Sarah said...

I write my posts in the Blogger post editor - you know log-in, new post, etc. I did look at the Blogger helpdesk thing and there have been a lot of complaints about this particular error 503. Must be a blogger thing.

I've not heard of Live writer, I must look that up.