04 September 2010

She's BACK!

Hello there. Is there anyone still out there? Lol.

We've just returned from a beautiful holiday here.

Here are a few pics from the holiday (I'll perhaps share some more when I have time):

Hope you are all well and happy.


Anonymous said...


Those are some beautiful pictures, the one of the bird is amazing!

And the girls are getting so tall. (o:

Glad you are back my friend!

Susan B said...

So glad you are back! Looks like you had a wonderful holiday. Thank you for sharing your lovely
photos...especially the one of the bird!

Have a great weekend. :)

The Bookworm said...

Missed you! I love that part of the country, and the cottage looks gorgeous.

Melissa said...

Oh my!! Your children are getting big!! I love the bird photo!!