06 September 2010

Is it going to rain?

My Mum regaled me with tales of very heavy rain heading our way today. So with great trepidation I've hung my washing out.

I live an exciting life of danger and intrigue.



The Bookworm said...

I hung my washing out as it looked fine and the heavy rain wasn't forecast until this evening. It poured down at 2.30. By the time I noticed, the washing was well past the point where it was worth rescuing!

Anonymous said...

You are so FUNNY!!! (o:

Susan B said...

LOL! You are so cute! :)

Melissa said...

Did you make it?

Sarah said...

Well it was a close call but by my skill and watchfulness the washing was in before the great rains came. :)

Mo said...

It CAN be a frightful thing to hang things on the line....like the clouds are laughing...and waiting.....