11 September 2010

New teapot and for prayer

Had a busy day today. Swimming. Shopping. Bought a new teapot today. Chuh! It pours terribly. Oh well. I've cut out coffee for a while so it's cups of tea all round. :)

On a more serious note, I'd be grateful if you could keep my Nan in your prayers. She's been diagnosed with lung cancer. We don't know the full details because my Nan and Granddad have chosen not to know everything. The hospital have told them that the only treatment they recommend is pain medicine. My Nan and Granddad are in their 90s and my Granddad does everything, despite the fact he is unsteady on his legs.

I'd be grateful if you could pray for healing and pain relief for my Nan and that if they need help that they will accept it. My Granddad is wonderful, so independent, but we worry that he will take on more than he can cope with. I love them both so much.

Thanks. Here's hoping you all have a wonderful weekend.


Angela said...

I am sure that the love of the rest of the family will bring comfort and strength to them as they face this hard time.
Hang on to the promises of Isaiah 43 v1-5
blessings and prayers xx

Melissa said...

I will pray for your grandparents.

I have a new teapot that doesn't poor real well. Chuh is right.

Anonymous said...

I'm *so sorry* my friend, I will pray....

Susan B said...

So sorry to hear about your grandmother. I will pray for her, and your Granddad...

Dulce Domum said...

I'm sorry to hear about your nan. She'll be in my thoughts and prayers, as will your granddad.