15 October 2010

To God be all the glory

Thank you Lord!

All the miners and rescuers were retrieved safely from the mine. Praise God.

I was intrigued to understand what was written on their t-shirts. I could see each one had 'Jesus' written on the sleeve. I searched online and found out that:

On the front with a flag of Chile, it reads: "Thank-You, Lord!"

On the back it reads: (Psalm 95:4) "In whose hands are the depths of the earth, The peaks of the mountains are His also."

Then: "To God be all the glory!"

It says 'Jesus' on the sleeve.
My Mum thought this chap looks like my husband. :)

Images found via Google crawl of various news sites.


Joyce's Ramblings said...

Amen and again Amen. The Devil lost and God won according to one of the miners.

Anonymous said...

Amen!!! Praise the Lord!!!