Be still, sad heart! and cease repining;
Behind the clouds is the sun still shining;Thy fate is the common fate of all,
Into each life some rain must fall,
Some days must be dark and dreary.
~Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
It's been a grey dreary day. The rain has not ceased to fall since early morning. But there's something lovely about sitting indoors in a warm house with a cosy lamp on. Fussing a dozing cat whilst reading. I've also cleaned Chatterbox's room and posted a letter. We then caught up on some school homework and reading. After lunch it was time for the rainy day stalwart of every mother - painting.
I LOVE this sort of day.
We painted rocks and eggs. I tried to get the egg out of the shell by piercing a hole in both ends of the egg and blowing. Firstly I find that a bit yukky and had to spray the egg first with antibacterial spray (obsessive me) and then I blew as hard as I could. When I started to see stars and everything was turning black I decided to just make a bigger hole in the bottom of the egg and shake the stuff out! It's OK. We'll just arrange the eggs so you can't see the hole. :)
The Finished products:
Some more painting:
Squidge (age 6) is very good at painting. Here is her 'Monet' picture done at school:
Here are Chatterbox's 'Monet' paintings also done at school when she was 6:
Aren't they clever? I should start a gallery, lol.
how fun! and great job your girls did on their paintings!
I *love* the framed art! Your girlies are very talented artists! (o:
Your poem by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow is a poem that I had written in my journal when my father passed away...I love this poem.
I also love your children't art work! :) You have talented children!! Looks like it was a lot of fun too! I loved doing things like this when my girls were little. At Christmas time, they painted long sheets of paper with their art work and then used it for wrapping paper for our loved ones! It was so much fun and they enjoyed the wrapping being as much a present as the what was inside the wrapping! :)
Hugs, Carolyn ~ Cottage Sunshine
I agree I love rainy, gray, drippy days.
Love the painting photo essay - fun.
I love the your girl's artwork...they are very talented! Rainy days can be quite fun! :)
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