26 January 2010

For Prayer

Angela from Tracing Rainbows is a Baptist Pastor's wife. This morning she shares that some of their link missionaries have asked for prayer for the region of Cusco in Peru. The photo on her site shows just how bad it is. Would you pray? Here is the request from the missionaries:

“Dear praying friends, please pray for the region of Cusco. The Urubamba river has flooded, bridges have collapsed and there are terrible mudslides. Many homes made of adobe (mud and straw) have been washed away; some people have died in the mudslides, others have lost their homes and livelihoods. Today the Cusco region was declared a state of emergency for the next 60 days. Some of our missionary colleagues living in the countryside have experienced terrible damage to their property. We in the city are only experiencing minor annoyances with travel disruption and water shortages but we urge you to pray for those who are so badly affected and the response that the Baptist convention and other churches will make to reach out to those suffering.

Thankyou, Scott and Anjanette Williamson”

For more information and to see the picture visit Angela at Tracing Rainbows: Crisis in Cusco.

1 comment:

Angela said...

thank you so much for posting the link
I really appreciate the fact that so many folk are praying for them
- with all the devastation in Haiti, it is easy for 'smaller' disasters to get overlooked. Only they are not small for the families concerned.
Blessings xx