30 January 2010

Happy Days

I just counted up what was left of our Christmas money. Out of the four of us I had £2 more than anyone else. So I jokingly said, "I'm the RICHEST!". To which Chatterbox replied, "It will be difficult for you to get into heaven then".


"But not impossible," I said. :)

For nothing is impossible for God, even for a smug Mummy who has £2 more than the rest of her family.

Speaking of interesting interpretation of scripture by young small-persons. Chatterbox has many times said, when she has come last in something or not won a game, "The first will be last and the last will be first. Therefore, I win!"

*Sigh* "That's not what that scripture means!" Grrrr. Lol.

The most lovely one was when Chatterbox said to me, "We have a King!". So I said, "No we have a Queen, Queen Elizabeth II".

"No Mummy! We have a King! KING JESUS!"

They never fail to make me smile (in between the regular parental "why are you not doing your homework?"-type frustrations).


bring the rain said...

Out of the mouth of babes!

Joyce's Ramblings said...

Enjoy because you have started a journey that goes on for quite a few years. I am dealing with great grands now.I love being able to see just how much things change but stay the same from one generation to another. God bless you and your family.

A Quiet, Gracious Life said...

I love hearing the things that kids say. Adorable, just adorable! (o:

cabcree said...

that cracked me and John up what Chatterbox said. :)

Angela said...

Kids remarks are wonderful. Mine used to leave the door open when I left the room. Once I yelled "Were you born in a barn?!!" and prompt came the reply "No Mummy, but Jesus was born in a stable!"
x x x

Susan B said...

Children do say the sweetest things to touch our hearts! :o)