11 January 2010

Happy Homemaker Monday


The weather in my neck of the woods:
Snow/sleet, so very damp and the roads are trecherous.

One of my simple pleasures:
A quiet time in the morning with a book and the cat on my knee.

On my bedside table:
The Stripping of the Altars and The Book of Common Prayer and my Bible.

Edit: Just been to the library and also got some cook books: From My Mother's Kitchen, Food on a Budget, Gorgeous Suppers. Also: You're Coming With Me Lad: Tales of a Yorkshire Bobby

On my TV:
  • I've been really enjoying Got to Dance on Sky1, it's really good. I really like Ashley Banjo who is the choreographer and dancer with the dance group Diversity who won Britain's Got Talent last year (the Susan Boyle year!).He comes across as a really nice bloke.
  • We watched a DVD my Dad lent us called The Insider*, which was the true story of a whistle blower from the tobacco industry. It had some choice language in it, but was very moving. *The link takes you to the website of Jeffrey Wigand who was the whistle blower the film was based on. It is quite sickening what these awful companies can do just because they have so much money even though they promote a something, which is dangerous for health.
  • We're looking forward to the new series of CSI coming back on this week and Criminal Minds is on soon too.
On the menu for tonight:
Spaghetti Bolognese

On my To Do List:
Catching up with chores after the weekend.
Clean the fridge.
Some washing and ironing.
Taking the girls to dancing.

New Recipe I tried last week:
No new recipes.

In the craft basket:
Nothing at the minute.

Looking forward to:
Going over to some friends from church who record and write music and 'jammin' with them! :)

Homemaking Tip for this week:
On a Monday set a timer and spend just 5 minutes in every room working your way round the house. First, tidy if the room is tidy then clean, if the room is clean then organise, if the room is tidy, clean and organised then sit down and have a brew you deserve it! If you have lots of time you could spend 10 minutes in every room. It's a good way to start if you don't know where to start or if your house just needs a bit of a fettle before visitors come round.

Favorite Blog Post of the week (mine or other):
The Care and Feeding of Children by The Bookworm. It really made me think again about the food I prepare and feed our family, and also modern attitudes to food. And it also made me want to get back to making some good hearty breakfasts rather than cereal and toast constantly!

Favourite photo from last week:
When Geese Attack!

Lesson learned the past few days:
That the love of Christ conquers all. That my church is like WAY cool.

On my Prayer List:
My dear friend who has cancer and is being put onto an aggressive cancer treatment. However, she is a walking miracle confounding doctors, they cannot imagine how she has carried on with her life. She is an inspiration - but does suffer so needs lots of prayer.
My Dad who has been made redundant and who finishes in March.
My family, my church and my friends.

Devotionals, Scripture Reading, Key Verses:
[W]hoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. Matthew 18:4 NIV

Hosted by Sandra at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom.


Lilyofthevalley - Tanya said...

Great tip! :)

Sandra said...

That is a great tip Sarah!

Love the photo too :)


Jen said...

I enjoyed your post today. I'm a fan of Criminal Minds as well. The only CSI we watch is CSI:NY Have a great week.

Sarah said...

Thanks ladies. x

Linda ★ Parker's Paradise said...

Love Criminal Minds and all the CSIs, plus NCIS.
Your tip about 5 minutes per room would be great if one had no children or pets! LOL

Sarah said...

Linda - it's not a proper clean, just a Monday morning quick tidy-up after the chaos of the weekend. It's amazing what you can do in 5 minutes to straighten up a room.

We love NCIS too.

The Bookworm said...

I've been thinking about my own post too ;). I think I fall into the trap of relying too much on instant snacks, so I'm trying to do more baking. I'm sure home baked stuff has less empty calories than bought, yet is more filling and substantial.

I love the tip. I think I'm going to adapt it and try to do 10 minutes each in three rooms most days. Goodness knows this house needs it!

Sarah said...

Bookworm - I'm going to try to do that too, lol came back from supermarket with 10 ton of flour...I kid you not :)