16 January 2010

Typically British Reading Challenge

Oh the possibilities! Hat tip to Pamela for this one.

I'm thinking, Elizabeth Goudge, some more Sherlock courtesy of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Jane Austen, Charles Dickens, Rosamunde Pilcher, Douglas Adams, Sir Terrance Pratchett (more commonly known as Terry), and perhaps I ought to find some English/British authors that I'm not familiar with?

The plan is to read a certain amount of British authored works of fiction over the next 12 months. There are 4 levels:

• "Put The Kettle On" – Read 2 Typically British novels.
• "Gordon Bennett" – Read 4 Typically British novels.
• "Bob's Your Uncle" – Read 6 Typically British novels.
• "Cream Crackered" – Read 8 Typically British novels.

I'm going for 'Cream Crackered'. I don't really read much foreign fiction so I think it will be fairly easy (that's if I'm not still reading 'The Stripping of the Altars' for the next 12 months!!).

To join in click on the image at the beginning of this post.


Pamela said...

Yes, I love Gervase Phinn! I have all his books and most of them on audio CD as well. I was so thrilled to get an autographed copy of his new book, A Load of Old Tripe, from my friend Janet in Manchester. We had agreed not to exchange gifts this year but she said when she saw this opportunity, she had to send it!

I can't believe that the BBC never made his Dales series into a television programme.

Dulce Domum said...

Oh, I'll give it a go! I reckon I can do "Cream Crackered." All of that commuting lends itself to being purposefully unsociable with your fellow travellers and therefore, one must read books in order not to make eye contact.

May I suggest various George Orwell non-fiction (if non-fiction is allowed), particularly "The Lion and the Unicorn." Also, anything by Barbara Pym...walnut cake and curates and spinsters and jumble sales and upset over who makes tea at the PCC...The DH says Graham Green and Kingsley Amis (The Green Man - brilliant)...these are boy books, methinks.

Miss Read, what a joy she is, and of course the lovely Miss Goudge. How about Angela Carter's "Wise Children" (cor blimey!) for those of us who don't mind a bit of good-natured sauce? Ooh, and anything printed by Persephone Books...

Sarah said...

Pamela - I totally agree! Get on it BBC!

Dulce Domum - I have Jane and Prudence (which you sent me) that I haven't read yet. The rules do state that it is fiction books only, so the George Orwell non-fiction is out. Kingsley Amis is on my must-read list, I've never read any of his. Hubs has an Iain Banks book I might try.

The world...Britain is my oyster!

Book Chick City said...

Hi Sarah! Welcome to the Typically British challenge. Thanks for signing up - it sounds as though you are going to have a lot of fun, I love Charles Dickens, Great Expectations is one of my favourites. Happy reading! :)

Sarah said...

Thanks, it's a great challenge. It will be fun indeed.

Sarah said...

Oh DD - I missed the 'avoid eye contact' on first reading of your comment. Lol that's very 'Watching the English' - have you read that book? By Kate Fox (I think), it's hilarious.

The Bookworm said...

I think I'll do this, but layer it up with another challenge ... if I ever get myself in gear and start blogging about my reading again, that is!

Have you ever read Rumer Godden? If not, I have a hunch you would enjoy her. If you fancy a blend of history and mystery you could dip into Ellis Peters Cadfael books.

Sarah said...

Bookworm - I've not heard of Rumer Godden (will Google after writing this). My Dad loves Cadfael, though I can't remember if it's the TV programme or the books. I must ask him, he may have some books.