Saturday 20 July 2024

Sofas and walks

 The new sofa arrived ::fireworks of joy:::

Coco on the other sofa inspecting the box - what is it with cats and cardboard boxes?

The weather is grey, grey, grey. I'm hoping to get out for a walk today, if the rain holds off. We are blessed to live near some beautiful countryside and often pop out for a bit of a ramble. Here are some photos from walks over the last few months:

Hello cows! One of these young cows licked my jumper, how rude.

Ah, the beauty of a rainy cold July day!

Just love taking pictures of cows haha

I am endlessly fascinated by lichen

A sunny day! Hurrah and huzzah! And curious cows.

Buttercups and blue skies

My favourite local tree visited in the early spring - I must go visit now that he will be in full leaf!

Well, we are now off to the tip with the old sofa and then to the library.

Sarah x


Elizabethd said...
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Elizabethd said...

Glad the sofa arrived, but it seems that you have had pretty poor customer service so far.I'm sure your cat will make it her home!

Sarah said...

Thanks Elizabeth, the cat was asleep on it within a couple of hours 😂

Jules said...

The sofa looks gorgeous. Is it a deep green colour?
You appear to have plenty of lovely walks nearby. And lots of cows ;) I often get 'distracted' by sheep. Xx

Sarah said...

Hi Jules, thanks ☺️ yes it’s a dark green colour, we love it. X