16 July 2024

Tuesday catch-up

It’s a bit of a shock to the system going back to work yesterday. When I got into work I also discovered that my desk had been moved away from the lovely big windows! I have a nice view of the corridor now. 

I went for a short walk to take a break on Monday (I hate sitting too long in an office) and found a little green space. I've been using the Merlin bird app and recorded songs from Great Tit, Wren, Goldfinch and Blue Tit - it's very cool learning all the different bird sounds and being in nature is so restorative and calming.

Today I felt like I could spend the day in bed though! It's always hard the second day of suddenly having to get up early again. 

At home, since coming back from holiday, I’ve been catching up with washing oodles of clothes and a bit of cleaning, watering my thirsty plants and tackling some gardening - which wasn’t helped when the wheel of my lawnmower fell off haha.

On Sunday, I trimmed the leylandii in the front garden (you really have to keep an eye on leylandii otherwise they grow to a huge height). We inherited it when we bought the house. Our hydrangeas had become swamped by the leylandii, Japanese Quince, wild rose and brambles from next door - so I did a lot of tidying up.

I didn't take pictures of afterwards, I'll perhaps do that later on this week

This weekend G was busy putting together his AT-AT Lego from his birthday.

He concentrated so long he got a bad headache haha.

I was a tad disturbed when I discovered where he had put it. Right in the middle of the shelves in the living room with all my plants and pretty knick-knacks haha. Not the aesthetic I was looking for.

L is currently away in the Lake District and her photos are amazing, I must say I’m a bit jealous.

Sunday was my book club. We meet in Waterstones in the city centre. We all gave varied reviews to The Other Mothers - between 3-4 stars. I gave it 4, because I did enjoy it but the ending was a bit convoluted (so it was more like 3.5 rounded up). Our next book is Seven Summers - I’ve not heard of it before but looking online it gets good reviews. Apparently it’s a tear-jerker too.

It was good catching up with everyone at book club and my friend too.

I’m currently re-reading Pride and Prejudice, which I know will be a 5 star of course! ❤️

B has gone back this week to her volunteer job at the RSPCA, she particularly likes looking after the cats and kittens. She'll also be back at her temp job doing admin this week. So we're all getting back into the rhythms of a regular week.

Speaking of cats, Coco has been with us 6 months now! She’s a nervous cat but definitely beginning to settle and is a little fluffy treasure.

Mum and Dad visited an old friend this weekend so I have yet another book to read! Ah the trauma - haha. I really do need to do a cull of my books, the bookshelves are groaning. This one looks a nice easy devotional read.

Tonight we had a delicious chippy tea (dinner from a Fish and Chips shop for my non-English readers). Just what you need when you're tired, but definitely not a healthy meal - our cholesterol probably went up a zillion points.

I took a look at the local river which runs near the chippy, I thought it would be much fuller because of all the rain, but it was pootling along fairly peacefully today.

Anyway, that’s it for today. Hope you're having a lovely day.

Sarah x


Elizabethd said...

What a shame that your desk has been moved. Could you make a little protest, work to rule, or march or something?

Sarah said...

Haha yes I should definitely make some placards and march on Westminster. But seriously it’s fine, I just wished they’d waited until I got back and asked.

Laura of Harvest Lane Cottage said...

How sad to see your desk had been moved. The Lego is a bit out of place there, but it shows how proud he is of it. Hope your next week is better and has less laundry!
Laura of Harvest Lane Cottage

Sarah said...

Hi Laura thanks, it’s totally fine I’ve made my peace with the desk haha. G is definitely very proud of his Lego ☺️